The Bunk Mill

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mightypants 1

Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary is a great partner for Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer in a mill deck. He's got that 2 for 1, and his 3 for 1 triggers Unkar's ability nicely. And both his ranged sides can be used for Loose Ends.

This deck wants to mill aggressively. Get Infamous out as early as possible, and you can use Cad's action with any yellow upgrade to do Rey-style roll-and-resolve action cheating. Try to have a yellow upgrade to play every round to take advantage of this. The deck is fast enough that you can claim the battlefield often in many matchups. If you end up with Command Center - Lothal as the battlefield, claiming early is often a good idea, even if you leave some useful dice in the pool.

Use Unkar's ability to make money, of course, but the cost of the deck is pretty low, so it's not so terrible if he gets killed early. Buy Out is in there but you don't need to spend a lot to be effective with it because you also have Loose Ends.

Mulligan hard for Infamous. Ideally you start with Fast Hands as well, but any low-cost yellow upgrade will do.

Kylo Ren - Tormented One will likely destroy you. I've messed around with getting as many grey cards in as possible to mitigate his ability, but any more than 6-8 and you'll be giving up something important.

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