Palpatine EaW

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Firefish 1

My take on everyone's favorite evil emperor.

Pretty simple and straight forward. Nothing fancy in the Sith Holocron package. Force Throw and Force Push are easy enough to pay for if you don't draw Holocron or you lose it to Rend.

Dark Presence is incredible, because Palp always rolls those discards for me. Power of the Dark Side is helpful sometimes but is also re roll fodder so I might pull it out for some more mitigation.

As soon as I get one, I'm replacing one No Mercy with a 2nd Endurance. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about As You Command and It Will All Be Mine. The rest of its is your classic blue villain mitigation and healing package.

My only real play tip is don't be afraid of using force powers for re rolls and using Rise Again to get them out later.

This deck is sitting around a 50-50 W/L right now but I've only used it a few games since I added the EaW cards. Some of those games were against Poe/Maz, and in that match-up it comes done to luck for both decks.

3 Kommentare

vitalis09 331

If you have 50/50 vs PoeMaz something is wrong as Palp is natural counter to them and should almost never loose that matchup. What i would change: -2 Power of the dark Side - this card actually rewards you for rolling blanks...nope. +1 Deflect always good. Vs melee its just a reroll. +1 Endurance come on! Best card for Palp in the whole set and you include only 1 copy?

Firefish 1

@vitalis09 I did say I only have one copy of Endurance at present. Power of the Dark Side is a flex card until I have time and cards to update again. I suspect that update will be: -2 Power of the Dark Side -2 No Mercy +1 Endurance +1 Deflect +2 Doubt or Overconfidence

I was the one playing Poe/Maz against this deck and it went 1 close game Poe won, 1 massive face stomp Palp's favor, then 1 face stomp Poe's favor. It really felt like a all 3 matches came down to the opening hand and die rolls.

vitalis09 331

@Firefish Your changes sound solid. With Poe your ace is the fact that you can take shields, cash, discard him and still deal damage. And Maz can only take that much...and if he starts to deal damage to Poe just finish him. Only situation where Moe got upper hand is HitnRun as you have no way to respond if he rolls at least 1 focus.