Dark Disciple

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
Abgeleitet von
Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

Double Blanks Gaming- Jay 2232

Hey folks! This is the current list I am running for Quinlan Voss right now! This is a super fun deck based around blanking your opponents dice, making them discard 2 cards to reroll and then hitting big with Quinlan's special. Also, there are some cool plays to be made with force push/speed and "It Will All Be Mine." This is not a definitive version and will be updated many more times. It is a good starting point though. Let me know what you guys think I should add/ change!!! Here is a video of me playing it!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v76WOmvZVs8

1 Kommentar

Leddon75 152

Hi Jay! Maybe the deck is worth giving a new try. Not sure, you need enrage with 14 0 costs cards. Maybe force illusion instead and or some close quarter assaults.