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Thrawnkar 1 1 1 2.0

Sherkaun 706

Control and Mill, try to get imperial inspection or salvage stand first hand. Get Con Artist out as quick as you can, then save up for Crime Lord and Buy Out, use Feint to activate Thrawn - Master Strategist's ability twice in one turn, and have fun!

9 Kommentare

Gauldoth 1

@Sherkaun What do you think about Local Garrison? I know it's 3 resourses, but it fits the strategy better than Hound's Tooth, since the deck generates a lot of resources on its own. It locks the opponent on a lot of upgrades, making it easier to target their hand.

pstalker 299

I have played lots of Mill decks in this game and I will tell you that Con Artist is a trap....

joelker41 174

You'll never be fast enough to claim either. Would definitely pick a different battlefield.

Sherkaun 706

@Gauldoth I like the idea of Local Garrison, but there is already so much disruption that limiting them to resources isn't the focus. You want to have as many resources as you can get for Buy Out, the more the better. Imagine paying 15 resources and getting rid of half their deck

Sherkaun 706

@joelker41 yeah maybe some Fast Hands? Or is there another battlefield you would suggest?

Gauldoth 1

@Sherkaun I agree with the disruption, and that's why I've been testing Local Garrison. It limits their initial plays (since you hardly claim) and they are usually forced to play their turn with 1 resource or less, and that's less dice for you to deal with.

About Buy Out, I've been winning most games with Crime Lord, since this deck generates lots of resources. Some of them I resolve CL on turn 2, turn 3 kills the main character and I guarantee the win.

pstalker 299

For battlefield I suggest Medical Center - Kaliida Shoals. Your opponent will never benefit from it since you deal no damage and if they do claim it you get to go first next round anyway.

Sherkaun 706

@Gauldoth I just play tested with both Local Garrison and Hound's Tooth, and you were right! I can easily generate enough resources, that Local Garrison, allowing me to focus on getting resource sides instead of disrupt sides. Thanks for the advice!

joelker41 174

Definitely Fast Hands. If you were really going for off the wall quick mill you could try keeping command center and running ascension guns and Loose Ends.

You will usually win battlefield with how strong their dice are vs the average and you can get 2 free shields then backdoor mill them.

If that is to wonky you can always just play the healing battlefields. Either one will do.