Phasma Guavian Trooper! -Double Blanks Gaming-

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Double Blanks Gaming- Jay 2232

What's going on guys! This deck list is pretty basic and on par with most Phasma decks- with the only change being more 3 cost upgrades. There is also a fair amount of mitigation here as well.

The idea of the 3 cost weapons in this deck is that when going up against a FUNKAR deck with Imperial Inspection and Salvage Stand it is very hard to keep the low cost upgrades on the table... so as soon as possible you need to replace your 2 or 1 costs with the 3 costs so you can keep the- Imperial armory is really good at doing this for you, just replace a 2 cost for free with a 3 cost.

There are 10 mitigation cards, among the best there are as well. This is awesome for Phasma, when you've already used Guardian this turn you can then mitigate some more damage!

Friends in Low Places is awesome for this deck because it has virtually no action cheating besides Tactical Mastery. This card helps you know how much you can get away with on the turn you play this. Such an amazing card. Tactical Mastery is basically the only action cheat this deck has but can be HUGE late game with a beefy Phasma!

The only card that I may later on try to tech in is Logistics to help get out the 3 cost weapons.

Check out some game play of this deck list!

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4 Kommentare

Rhinospidercat 14

I like Promotion over DH-17. It fills the same role as dh for upgrading into a 3 cost and is replaces itself.

Bowser 16

I'm not sure I like the Imperial Armory in this meta. You could potentially give FN-2199 decks a free upgrade into their three cost weapons. That could be all an FN deck needs to take over the game.

Also, I still really like Backup Muscle in this deck. The deck is already slower than almost any deck in the meta. And It still does just as good of a job as it always has at ruining your opponents math, and finishing off characters. My build of this deck is similar, but I don't play Doubt. I like the card, but it is "soft" mitigation, and I find I can usually mitigate enough.

Dave Sharona 601

nah Doubt is killer, although I find it unnecessary in this deck. In mono blue or red, it's a MUST.

I also agree about Backup Muscle. Especially with a resurgence of decks relying on shields, that card has won me more games than not.

Other than that, this is a solid list. Even without the changes, it's a solid list, but that really depends on how heavy Imperial Inspection plays in your local meta. I much prefer this deck with less upgrades and more swing cards

Double Blanks Gaming- Jay 2232

@Bowser I think you're right about imperial armory and adding back up muscles. Doubt I think is great especially since I need to keep the cost curve where it is at.

@JonesySW I feel totally opposite man, I feel like the DH is significantly better than promotion and imperial discipline has replaced promotion in any deck like this lol.