Imperial Might

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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

ianwankenobi 7

Note: Not yet game tested...will update if needed

The entire premise of this deck was to bind together the most important parts of both the First Order and the Galactic Empire. You will find yourself dealing damage, taking resources, playing supports, and altogether being the rudest person in the galaxy. With General Veers - Field Commander, you will be using his profound ability to play supports whenever the chance arises, and get exactly the rolls you want. With First Order Stormtrooper, it would be wise to equip him with Wingman if possible. And with Death Trooper, I tend to focus on equipping with upgrades, and dealing the most damage. I have constructed this deck with my collection alone, so feel free to swap out cards if you think they would fit better.

Enjoy :)

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