F'n-Jango w/Fast Hands (needs more cowbell)

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F'n-Jango w/Fast Hands (needs more cowbell) 0 0 0 3.0
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billeddy 20

This is an experimental concept of quick play with some control elements. It is a work in progress. Any feedback (particularly on my weapon choices) is appreciated.

Can you tell that FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper has replaced General Veers - Field Commander?

I was hoping not to have too many 3 costs in the deck - so I went with pistols instead of Flame Thrower and/or Z6 Riot Control Baton.

I roll poorly, so I rarely got any detonations off of the Thermal Detonator. So, I took it out. :( Such is life! ;)

2 Kommentare

the BEAST 1128

That's your best version yet! Still not sure about fast hands as you can only have them on Jango, who will always have a chance already to deal his damage. I would also swap a dt-29 for an f-11D since f-11D has redeploy and 4 damage sides. I would still take out the other dt-29 and with the 2 open slots from fast hands, I would add 2 z6 batons and a rocket launcher. Nice choice of events!

billeddy 20

@the BEAST you're correct (of course) - I built a 'fast hands' Jango, so removing the 'hands' defeats my original concept (albeit better than removing his head - thanks to Mace!). I have another deck, "Jango Dressed to the 9's," which has the better weapon selections that you mentioned. For this deck - I am immediately resolving ;) the advice you gave me on 4 dmg sides.

As always, your feedback is much appreciated.