Don't Mess With the Kenobis

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Dunk des Etoiles 1


First : to all tryharders out there (I'm just teasing, we love you guys) who come here to netdeck tournament-winning decks, you can stop reading right now ;)

I just love thematic decks, I'm interested in this game for casual play, I don't think it's really suited to tournament games (although I play some tournaments, for fun!), so I built this deck with the cards I had, to conform to one of my (and a lot of other people's) theories about Rey's origins : She's Obi-Wan's granddaughter and the whole Star Wars Saga is about the Skywalkers and the Kenobis.

At some point in the movies, Obi has to come back to her in spirit form (He HAS TO, right?) to teach him some stuff about being a Jedi and how to kick Kylo's ass, ultimately counselling her to be ready to become One With The Force if need be.

I included BB-8 and R2-D2 for flavour reasons, of course. I know they're bad cards ;)

If you think there's something more thematic that I failed to include, don't hesitate and comment, I'm willing to change a lot of stuff. There are probably too many dice, but I like the fact that it tells a story.

The idea is only to beat my friend, playing his own thematic Mono-Yellow, Mono-Bounty Hunter IG-88 and Jango deck based on playing a shitload of weapons on his guys, dropping Slave 1 and killing me mercilessly.

2 Kommentare

Herby 2

So, I run a very similar eObi / Rey deck, and have had incredible success against Poe / Max and even going 3-0 against ePalp. The idea is to ensure that ObiWan is taking as much damage as possible, so that he dies first, allowing some amazing combinations with his ability. Combined with high damage sides of Obi and Sabers, the focus sides help ensure consistent damage output. I would recommend reducing your total number of upgrade cards and dice to 10....combined with the two support, and your character dice, you are looking at 15 dice available... More than sufficient. Then increase the number of control cards...maybe toss in a block and Dodge for good measure! And practice practice practice!!! Noble sacrifice, to exhaust a character, kill Kenobi, play a blue card for free like My Ally Is The Force, and bam! Make some miracles happen.

Dunk des Etoiles 1

Thanks for the advice! Yeah, I like the potential of the deck, Noble Sacrifice seems underrated and I love how it fits in the deck thematically :)

I'll play this for the foreseeable future, maybe a Luke/Rey version also, once I get a second Luke die, so I'll try to tweak it to make it work, but if you have a link to your version of the deck, I'd love to check what you've done with the "archetype".