There Is A Great Disturbance In The Force (ePalp)

Chancen: 0% – 0% mehr
Abgeleitet von
Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck.
Inspiration für
Noch keine.

ChosenCode 7

This deck is mean, as it keeps the pressure on regardless of what deck it is playing against. The whole goal with this deck is to mess with your opponents dice as much as you can early, while resolving Palpatine's dice along with whatever ever upgrades you get. If you don't get sith holocron early, then its best to try to get out Immobilize or force illusion as a stepping stone to get out Force Push or Force Throw. There is one no mercy in here to just end things if an opportunity presents itself.

Fun deck to play, and while it might not be tier 1, it is pretty dang good.

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