Kartenziehsimulation |
0% –
Abgeleitet von |
Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck. |
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All in | 24 | 18 | 4 | 1.0 |
It's a Jedi! | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Rey eLuke | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Luke at the Bar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
eRey/Ackbar Budget Deck | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Lukebar | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Akbar Gamble | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
Use the Focus, Luke! | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
eLuke Ackbar HQ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4.0 |
Fish eLuke | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1.0 |
Bayushi Sezaru 956
This deck was masterfully piloted by Federico "Ciop Skywalker" Boccati to a 7-0 win (5 rounds of swiss + top4) in a 20 players tournament held on December 18th, 2016 in Bologna, Italy, by GOBLIN.
I don't recall the exact matches of the swiss rounds, but in the semifinal Federico defeated Antonio Duranti in a fiercely fought mirror match, and in the final he defeated an elite General Grievous+Count Dooku (http://swdestinydb.com/decklist/view/5456/grievoussmash-2ndplaceat1stgoblinbolognatournament-1.0), piloted by Jack Giusti.
Gratz to Ciop Skywalker for the win and undefeated run!
61 Kommentare |
Errata Corrige: the battlefield actually used was Echo Base. |
Interesting. I'm running essentially this deck: swdestinydb.com I'm testing replacing Survival Gear with Comlink - rerolls and focus - and removed Dug In for Defensive Position. Is/was Rey's Staff a meta-call, or are people finding that removal special and/or the melee side worth it? Oh, yeah, I went with Leadership also :3 |
Also, I'm an idiot. Datapad for focus sides. -_- |
As for Defensive Position, I like it very much, and I will try it in my next build! Comlink could be a fine replacement for Survival Gear, but I like the latter a bit more: it has one more useful die-side (no blanks!). Rey's Staff wasn't a meta-call, really, but a I-don't-have-another-Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber call... :) |
Met up with another local player tonight and he used this deck against my eJabba, eJango build. he won the 1st game, then I grinded out the next 2 wins hitting Luke as hard as possible early on. Now that I see where his deck came from, I am super proud of my build. Looking forward to using it at a tourny this coming friday. |
What do you think about defence stance? I'm testing it for its versatility instead dug in. Hit and works very nice in this deck. |
I like 1x Rey's staff. If necessary it can deal a lot of damages remaining a good defence card. |
I have an issue with the Tabletop Simulator file for this deck - some of the cards when you play them have the wrong dice on top of them - is there a quick fix? |
Great deck, really solid, fun and balanced, i lost to him in the semifinal in an Amazing mirror match. My deck was a little bit more aggressive but less controll In Any case Great player, he deserved to win Ciao Davide! (Antonio) |
Ah ah ah, |
Currently sticking with All-in/Hit and Run, the combo seems to land more often and the card has utility on it's own, versus Leadership. Comlink is already doing good work. ^_^ |
I definitely need to try Comlink again, then! |
What about One with the Force? I really like the Die Sides on that one. |
Of course it is a great card, and it even comes with a pseudo-redeploy in a deck where Luke is often the primary target, but this deck couldn't regularly afford it. |
since you have a lot of blue upgrades, what do you think about It binds all things? |
I run almost the same deck as you, except i removed the 2x leadership to include It binds all things because more often than not, i cannot use it because i need ackbar 2 focus dice to get big damage with Luke. |
My consiseration after last tournament winner : Hit and run + all in = 6/7 damages (bifore attive Luke) Leaderahip lets me to defeat jango in one turn ... esagerata! If you use ackbar you must use this card. I think this is the best upgrade's setting, try it. (Event cards are more customizable) |
I think you're upgrades setting works very well. Datapad and jedi'robe are necessary to change ackbar'dice. Hit and run + all in is amazing combo . I cut off reposte and will power to insert 2x hit and run and 1x force protection. This deck needs to play a lot of games to learn how it works but it is very strong and can balance unlucky dice throws. |
Can anyone confirm how well this deck fairs against eJango/eVeers? |
Jango/Veers is quite like mono-red in MTG: it is explosive and can easily win VS anything, but needs the right draw (easy in Destiny) and rolls. If Jango doesn't god roll, Luke Skywalker/Admiral Ackbar have more health (counting Field Medic and Willpower) and a stronger late game... |
Thanks for posting this deck! I went 4-0 at the local small tournament today and really enjoyed it. My list was 2 off from yours I removed Force Throw 1x Dug in for 1x Defensive Position and 1x One with The Force I considered changing Rey's Staff for a second Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber but I felt like it only being able to play on Luke was a downside and decided against it. Would love to know if/what changes you might have made. It played so well. |
I am testing various modifications without varying the basic structure (12-13 upgrades + 17-18 events). The cards I am toying with are:
Nowadays the meta is mostly aggro (due to the tournament rules and Jango/Veers being so solid), but there are also strong control decks out there (Jabba + Vader or Dooku). Luke/Ackbar is more a mid-range deck, and I feel it needs to adapt a bit to be able to compete with these extremes... |
I think more than one Defensive Position is wrong but the 1 I played was amazing. I suggest trying 1x One with The Force It was great for me all day. being able to pitch a jedi robes and paying 2 for a crazy good upgrade was worth it. I was happy with all of the sides besides disrupt, and being able to focus it up to 3 damage was nice. Thankfully I never had it Deflected. |
Rules question here. With Leadership if I roll out Luke with 3 upgrades on him, when should I use Leadership and what all becomes ready again? Is it just his character die or all the upgrades? And do you bring out the event after you've resolved Luke's die or can you ready it while die are still in the pool? How do you use it? |
As far as Jango/Veers Jango is mean, but it's Veers 3 sided base damage that can really make Jangos Jetpack horrible to deal with. So, be wise in who you throw your All In swings at when facing that combo. Also, if you are fortunate enough to get One with The Force out, you can always change the side to and use Force Misdirection, which is basically a Dodge. How I wish hero's got Tactical Mastery. ;) |
Hello all, is there a new better version of this deck? |
To be more specifi, I would like to know if you are playing It Binds All Things, Hit and Run, One with The Force in this deck and if yes, how many copies of these cards and what you cut for them. |
I am trying to find a balance between managing hyper-aggro ([Jango Fett]Jango(/card/01021)/[General Veers]Veers(/card/01004) (which probably needs cards like Defensive Stance and/or Dodge) and control match ups. As soon as I have a definitve, tournament worthy version, I will post it! :) |
As for Survival Gear, I am not fully convinced they're needed (the could become Defensive Stance or even It Binds All Things... If you cut a Leadership, anyway, you could put Survival Gear and/or any not bue-requiring upgrade on Admiral Ackbar: you opponent should choose Luke Skywalker as their prime target, so your investment should stay more in play anyway. |
That is indeed a nasty combo, but in my experience it is not going to happen quite often! They'd need 5 and they should roll the on Crime Lord. And that shouldn't happen more than 1/3 of the times... If it is the case, you could play Scouts, and use a little on your opponent. Another option could be using Admiral Ackbar's when you notice your opponent is repeatedly keeping the same 1-2 cards in hand when the round ends. In this hyper-aggro meta, though, I feel Ace in the Hole/Crime Lord is a bit slow: you should tell your friend not to use it... ;) |
So I played this deck against a Rey and Qui-Gon Jinn deck and ran 0 - 3. Not sure if I am totally satisfied with one main attacker but I am going to give it another try this weekend. |
Played this today at a local OP. We went 3-2 against eBala-Jango-Trooper (1-1), 4x Stormtrooper (0-1, down to the last roll after killing 6 Stormtroopers) and Grievous/Dooku (2-0). Added: Comlink x1 Hit and Run x2 Subtracted: Datapad x2 Dug in x2 Force Throw x1 Riposte x1 |
I have seen using a focus die to turn akbar into the 2 focus side and then using it in the same action to turn Luke's dice. Can we do that within the rules? |
So I played at the local place this weekend, I took out 1x All In and put in 1x It Binds All Things and I won 6 - 0 3 against a Kylo Ren/2x Nightsister and the other 3 against Bala-Tik/ Nightsister/ and 2x First Order Stormtrooper. It got pretty close on some of the games but dishing out 6+ damage in one swoop was nice. I have to figure out how to get more resources, but I have really started liking this deck. |
Definitely solid tier 2 but it could be back-end tier 1 if you roll right and take full advantage of both Leadership to have Luke go twice in a turn! Vader/Raider, Jango/Veers, Han/Rey, eBala & co. will cause it problems but as far as facing any Tier 2 decks, I think it may have a leg up on the competition. I have to try it against my Rey/QGJ and Ackbar/Leia PS -- I'm thinking of dropping the Comlink for another It Binds All Things. It helps more with resources and if you have two out, you can activate them both at once. How often do you upgrade Ackbar to more than one? |
As for the Comlink, I'd definitely prefer a second It Binds All Things. |
This deck is definitely a lot of fun to play, and one of my favorite "tier 2" decks. |
1.Taking the Battlefield at the start or not?
I am fairly new and trying to get the tech/strats down and this looks like a lot of fun and luckily I pulled everything needed for it give or take a trade or 2. Thanks for sharing this. |
Sorry I broke my numbering above when making my list of questions lol. |
In the opening hand I look for It Binds All Things (the current version includes two copies) and a 2-cost blue upgrade, and some mitigation. |
I am not quite satisfied with it, at the moment (I am not satisfied with any three-dice list: not even Vader/Raider or Hyperloop: they seem a little too prone to being controlled by heavy die-control decks such as eBala/Jango/Trooper), so I keep fiddling and switching cards... |
I ran three "mock games" against it last night, and Bader won all three hands down. I love the potential it has though, hit and run then All in after you have activated Luke and gotten a focus is nuts. |
In this meta, this deck is definitely Tier 2. It has the potential to win in smaller local tournaments, but too many pieces need to fall in the right places... In my experience, the only light side deck showing tournament potential is eHan/eRey... (I absolutely despise Hyperloop, and feel that ePoe/eRey is slightly worse). The only chance, it seems, is surrender to the Dark Side... |
The draw deck includes eight 1 symbols, and of course Admiral Ackbar has his own 2 and Luke Skywalker himself has other two 1: with All In you can set up very big turns leading to one-shooting of opposing characters, without a chance to hinder your plays.
Field Medic and Willpower give both characters a bit more health, while Riposte and Willpower itself bring a bit of surprise damage without having damage dice in the pool.
The classic Blue dice control package is here, with a full playset of Deflect to help deal with Han/Rey decks.
Leadership is a wonderful card with this assortment of characters: Luke almost always exhausts first, and if the Admiral's 2 is not needed, he can ready Luke for a potential second big swing.