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OTKRespite - Top 4 Regional Lucca - 25Feb2018 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Vengeance | 34 | 22 | 10 | 1.0 |
PastimesEvents 692
We were proud to host the Chicago Regionals this past weekend. Over the course of this week, we will be posting the Top 8 decklists. Please note, we are the TOs, not the designers, so we cannot provide additional insight into card choices.
36 Kommentare |
I played against this on TTS twice and could not touch it. He killed my two-character team in the first turn in one of the games. I was dumbfounded. The combination of Leadership, Boundless Ambition, and The Price of Failure was absolutely deadly since he had the Maul's Lightsaber out and the ID9 Seeker Droid adding up each time he re-activated Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor. |
How the heck does someone get maul saber and a seeker droid out T1? |
resource sides on ciena and nightsister, enrage, seventh resource side |
To be fair, that is going to be a one in several hundred occurrence. God rolling, Melee damage and modifiers every time, having the right cards in hand and having an opponent who's health isn't too high to reach. Plus if they use The Price of Failure twice and doesn't get the god rolls, they are left with only one character against one or two who may or may not have taken massive damage. There are four mitigation cards in deck, they don't pull them and don't get the kill, you have free reign to KO Seventh Sister - Agile Inquisitor in one turn potentially. Looks like a hard deck, but would be interesting to find out what makes it work so well, and what/who they played against that got it to the top 8. |
I’m not sure if
The decks I beat...Multiple Sabine/X decks, Boba Phasma, Thrawn 7th, Obi Maz (not the one that won it all) Mill including beating the second place Sabine Yoda deck in Swiss. I lost a very close one to Boba 7th, mainly because of two key mistakes. And my other loss was to Obi Maz that won it all.... he rolled well, I did not. I couldn’t get my combo cards and made some mistakes and the player who played the better match won it. The matchup is probably a 50-50 one. |
Like I say, maybe it plays differently, sometimes a deck can look iffy on paper but play really well, sometimes a deck looks amazing on paper and is complete trash. I will try it out and see how it runs with my own play style. |
There are a lot of avenues of play in this deck and a lot of it doesn't care what your opponent is doing. many of the cards in this deck are REQUIRED which is why there are only a few spots for mitigation |
This is a tricky deck to play. I've run it for around 20 games and am something like 15-5. Still learning the tempo and adjusting to the very light mitigation. It's fun and challenging. Congrats on the top 4. |
Coaching hahahahahahhahaah |
the real question is how many seeker droid dice do i need to run this in paper? |
cool i own 3 so :) looking for 2 more one ebay |
also i just test rolled a first turn with an absurd number of rerolls from nightsister and did 24 damage :) mauls saber is broke as all fudge. |
opening hand of force illusion, price of failure, probe, leadership, and maul's saber |
i hit resource on nightsister first roll, then saber, then roll, then resolve, then leadership, then resolve, then reolls, then pof, then resolve, then power action saber, then finish resolving that kills both sabine and ezra or sabine + second chance through a force illusion (in the sabine yoda version) |
fort anaxes is stupid in this deck you can eat 8 damage on ciena, then leadership and pof |
i wonder if ancient lightsaber would be better as force speed so you can do your combo uninterrupted? |
and i still had probe to eat a hyperspace jump or whatever |
This is not a speed deck. You want Ancient to 1) Heal 7th potentially 2) Two Extra Melee sides to pair with Maul and 3) the +3 is awesome too. |
i can see that. yeah seventh plus ancient plus mauls saber is quite dumb |
although i would argue that against certain decks it may have to function as a speed deck, sabine/x for example. |
Trying to outrace Sabine is pretty hard. Instead, you just need to be aggressive. Hang on to leadership and even PoF, use NS to help "fix" Sabine's dice and hopefully you will have a weapon or even ID9 down and then can leader and PoF in Round 2 to whack Sabine. But any damage you can put on her to start will be helpful. Same goes with B7 which is one of the harder matchups for this deck. |
im having a ton of fun so far found a guy at my shop to sell me 2 more droids bringing me to 5 having to stay within 3 droids on the table at once is a bit of a crap thing :) |
another thing i think about triming is the aftermaths. how valuable are you finding those? |
i did and respite is awesome. i usually only need like 1 more resource so the extra resources you potentially lose out on from aftermath don't seem to be relevant but that extra card always is. just took it to local shop went 4-0 pretty easily most trouble i had was from a 3 character deck with bala in it. it might have been an update to 5 die villan. only issue with respite is tapping out cienna then drawing the leadership. :( |
i wanna test the variant running no mercy. that extra 3-4 damage from nowhere can be a game winner. especially on turn 1 to just kill a dude off. needs testing though it may be too cute. |
i might pull the mitigation for it or the rise again. i could even see it instead of lightsaber pull as mine are ususally pitched for rerolls. |
boundless ambition into 4 more cards for no mercy is dumb. |
i killed obi from obi maz round 1 on turn 1 then killed old obi from obi yoda on turn 1 round 2 round three went to turn 3-4 killing bala on turn 1 then mother on turn 3 and veteren stormtrooper on turn 4 |
hmm perhaps i went 3-0 can't seem to remember the last guy perhaps i got a bye or something... |
maul's saber is just the dumbest thing ever. :) |
I want to slot in No Mercy but I can't decide what I'd cut. I do want to test respite instead of aftermath. |
I piloted this deck to a 7-1 Swiss finish and then a Top 4, losing to the Obi Maz deck that eventually. It is a difficult deck to pilot, but packs a heck of a punch. This deck was originated by @HonestlySarcastc of The HyperLoops. If it wasn't for his videos and coaching, I'd never have been able to pilot this to a Top 4 finish. If this is a deck you want to play and play well, I HIGHLY recommend signing up for their Patreon and joining the discord. It is the top resource for serious competitive Destiny gamers in the community. Visit www.thehyperloops.com and come talk to the rest of us today. Please not, I do not receive any compensation for sign-ups... I recommend their Patreon simply because it has helped me improve significantly and I feel it is the best out there.