Kartenziehsimulation |
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck. |
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eKylo sister | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Sithle Linquisitor | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
Snoke | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
nickthebug7777 1399
Link to guide at Mandalorian HQ: https://mandalorianhq.wixsite.com/swdestiny/blank-2/2017/09/27/Inquisitor-Madness-Deck-Tech
44 Kommentare |
Alternatively you could replace it with Force Illusion (which would be good in this deck) or Force Strike. Or something else of that nature. |
Nice deck, have been looking for something like this to try, so will give it a go, altho I do not have any Ancient lightsabers, what would you put in instead?? |
I have found Ciena Ree - Adept Pilot with two dice to be a better engine for the resource-hungry Inquisitor. Also gives some great pay-side synergy with Imperial HQ and Electrostaff. Rise Again is pretty game-breaking here when you can afford it. Same goes for Leadership in a manner of speaking. |
I will say that adding red to the Inquisitoris AWESOME because of the cards you mentioned. They certainly make him a beast. When he falls, however, Ciena just can't win the game for you. |
I normally resolve the ID9 Seeker Droid as focus or damage. I'll gnerally resolve focus first for a higher number. If neither is showing I'll re-roll but if at any point I have no cards in my hand or I want all my cards for future turns I'll just resolve what I have. No As You Command because the Inquisitor already has a 2 focus and the ID9 Seeker Droid also has between a 1 and 3 focus. |
My suggestion to you would be to include Now I Am The Master. Works wonderfully with Force Speed to resolve one die to do some damage, turn a character die to a blank and then use the Inquisitor special. You should also think about including All In to fully benefit from all those focus side or to resolve your dice faster, in case those droid decide to show three different side. |
Thanks! |
Dont You have problems with new Kylo as monoblue? |
Yes. Like any mono-colored deck, this deck has issues against Kylo Ren - Tormented One. I find, however, that with 8 gray cards in the deck it is often not an issue. If you play it right, you can actually use it to your advantage by keeping gray cards in your hand (your opponent will always choose blue). |
Thx, thats what i also did with my Palpatine, keeping doubt all game ;) |
Why not make room for Feel Your Anger? It seems like a natural fit with the inquisitor. |
Well then I’m glad I could help! I’m a big fan of this deck. It’s so simple and yet so good. |
Curious because I may try something similar (you have inspired me), how do your spread the upgrades around? I’d imagine the seekers are on 7th sister, but outside of that how do you like to set them up? |
Hope this helps! |
I tried my version of this out yesterday and it didn’t go well. I don’t have any ancient lightsabers so I used the crossguard. I’m contemplating on using shoto instead. I also feel that Now I Am The Master doesn’t work. On paper it looks like it would synergize well but in reality it was never the optimal card to play. Whenever I had it it my hand there was always something more important to play. I’m going to take it out and put in deflect. I also think since I’m lacking ancient lightsabers I’ll change lightsaber pull to lightsaber throw or maybe use the only vibroknife I have. The deck was a lot of fun to play and the games were close, those focus sides are beasts and the ID9 Seeker Droidare crazy good! |
Now I Am The Master was taken out of my version within a couple of test games. It seems so good but just... isn't. I'm glad you tested it and found the same results that I did. I think Vibroknife is a good choice for the deck but it isn't the most important card and if you choose to drop it I think that would be reasonable. I haven't included Lightsaber Throw in mine because it costs 1 resource and the Inquisitor, unlike Vader, has to pay a resource for his damage already. I've tested Lightsaber Throw and Force Strike and both were underwhelming for this deck. I'm not sure what to suggest that you replace it with though. I think that when you get it up and running with the properly tweaked build this is one of the most fun decks out there right now. With the added bonus that it is pretty competitive against most of the meta decks I think it's pretty great. I'm glad your catching on ;-) |
I removed Lightsaber Pull and actually added one Kylo Ren's Lightsaberand one Vibroknife. With my 2 Crossguard Lightsaber and one Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber plus the droids and makashi training I always had an upgrade when I needed it. Force speed is great. Putting deflect in made a difference as well. Went 2-0 tonight. Still tweaking but it’s doing well. Considering using Maz's Castle - Takodana to help get the cards I want. But when I do use it, Rebel War Room - Yavin IV is huge. |
With the recent RRG update, mono colored decks have a chance again because Kylo2 literally has no pairings. |
With the changes I’m thinking about taking out Vibroknife. Not sure what to put in it’s place though. Perhaps Lure of Power? |
I still don't think Lure of Power is as good as Vibroknife. The base sides on Vibroknife are nice. |
True but I can use it to modify any side. I’m notorious for using it to suddenly get 3 resources and resolve big damage dice or play something big. I might use Immobilizethough for some shields since I don’t have ancient lightsaber and it can generate more blanks. |
It is true that Lure of Power can resolve resources and that's what I use it for most frequently. Once you take 3 resources you can resolve all of the Inquisitors sides. Immobilize is generally a good option for the Inquisitor as well. I will say that I feel like Vibroknife got a very soft nerf and is still pretty good in just about every deck it was in before. The only decks I might take it out of would be blue hero which uses things like Shoto sabers and It Binds All Things to work with blue weapons. |
I may try out Unyielding. That could be a very scary turn. |
The unblockable is nice but you only have melee so it wouldn't speed up your turn or anything by allowing you to resolve multiple symbols. |
That’s true. With the focus I usually have a good amount of damage showing so the unblockable damage could be really clutch depending what I’m up against. But truthfully my dilemma is whether to use Swiftness or All In. If I roll really well all in is amazing, if I don’t swiftness combos really well into As You Command and fixes the issue then let’s me resolve with ambush. I love as you command for those turns when I can’t claim. I just use a 3 side as focus and change 3 other dice. |
That's true unblockable damage is never a bad thing and with Vibroknife taking a hit it might not be a bad idea. All In is definitely better for this deck I think. With all the focus I don't think you need As You Command and Swiftness is mediocre at best in any deck. |
That’s my dilemma, swiftness worked great the other night and I’m wondering if that’s just a rare thing or if it actually works. But as you command worked great. If somehow I pull ancient lightsabers though I’d swap as you command out for lightsaber pull so fast. |
Personally I think As You Command is underwhelming but if it's working for you then keep it for sure. I would include All In before I include Swiftness. |
I’ll try it. The deck is certainly working well as is. I just had to change it to suit what cards I owned. I doubt mine is as competitive as yours but it’s capable. Certainly has some damage potential. |
What is your win rate so far? |
2-2 with that deck so far. And I should note that the 2 I lost we’re very close and prompted me to swap out cards like Now I Am The Master and Lightsaber Pull in favor of other upgrades. |
It was rolls that cost me one game for sure. Even with focus it was just terrible. |
Here’s what I’m using at the moment. All in is interchangeable with swiftness in this set up. Still seeing which performs better for me. BATTLEFIELD ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Rebel War Room, Yavin IV (Awakenings #171) CHARACTER ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1x Seventh Sister, Agile Inquisitor (Empire at War #10) 2x Grand Inquisitor, Sith Loyalist (Empire at War #11) UPGRADE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1x Kylo Ren's Lightsaber (Awakenings #15) 1x Force Speed (Spirit of Rebellion #55) 2x Makashi Training (Spirit of Rebellion #56) 1x Vibroknife (Spirit of Rebellion #57) 2x ID9 Seeker Droid (Empire at War #13) 1x Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber (Empire at War #15) 2x Crossguard Lightsaber (Two-Player Game #7) ¯¯ EVENT ¯¯¯¯¯ 2x Enrage (Awakenings #81) 2x Feel Your Anger (Awakenings #82) 2x Deflect (Awakenings #145) 2x All In (Awakenings #152) 2x Manipulate (Spirit of Rebellion #73) 2x Doubt (Spirit of Rebellion #80) 2x As You Command (Empire at War #70) 2x Rend (Empire at War #150) 2x Clash (Two-Player Game #17) 2x Sound The Alarm (Two-Player Game #45) |
Cards Like Insidious and Cornered Prey seemed like they were meant to be on an Grand Inquisitor - Sith Loyalist deck. But i guess they are not good, right ? |
These cards seem like they might be good with the Inquisitor but they have almost Anti-Synergy with him. The issue here is that the Inquisitor eats up banks with his special so your opponent already has fewer than they normally would. The only blank generating cards in the deck are Manipulate and Inquisitor's Lightsaber. Neither of these is good at creating large quantities of blanks so it doesn't work out too well. |
1) Why the is only one Force Speed ? By taking 2 Force Speed in this deck we would have more chances of playing it, making our deck more ''predictable'' for us. 2) Dont you find that Inquisitor's Special is used very very rarely ? |
I only want 1 Inquisitors Saber in here because it is unique and expensive so I have one slot open and I picked Force Speed. Keep in mind this is an old list that is in need of an update (coming soon!). I find Inquisitor's special to be awesome. If you roll it, it scares people and they don't want to reroll or roll in their character dice. It also is a 3rd damage side so I use it when I can. Inquisitor's saber and Maniulate help you pull it off as well. |
You mentioned that you might consider replacing Grand Inquisitor's Lightsaber’s, what would you consider for their replacement? Kylo Ren's Lightsaber’s?
I really like the Deck. I think once I get enough of my Ahsoka Tano - Force Operative and Kanan Jarrus - Rebel Jedi Deck, this will be the next Mono Blue Deck that I build.