Kartenziehsimulation |
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Nicht abgeleitet. Das ist ein selbst gemachtes Deck. |
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Syringe 321
This deck is the final result of me doing different tests during countless battles since the release of Spirit of Rebellion (and actually before that as well, but with Kylo Ren instead of Asajj Ventress which gave some intel and experience). I’ve had a lot of success with this one, and I have won competitions as well as beaten winners of other championships, but of course, it often comes down to how others – both yourself and opponents – play if success is to be had.
A lot of people who want to boast about their decks claims they win against everything easily. I won’t do that. I have lost my fair share. But I will said that I have won considerably more than I have lost, even against most popular variations of Han/Rey, Poe/Maz, Vader/Raider, Emo Boyz, First Order Stormtrooper/Unkar/FN-2199, Qui-Gon/Rey and several others. The deck delivers, and if you play it right, it can defeat what others put up against it with an impressive reliability.
As I wrote above, play style can make or break any deck. Like any car, it is not better than it’s driver. This is how I do it.
• Make sure you take your time. This deck is slow and you will not claim very often. But if you use your battlefield (Secluded Beach), which you often can do since these characters has no (worth zero when deciding who goes first), it really can’t be used against you on anything else than the single one side with a on Force Throw. I can’t remember ever being a victim of this during all my played games. That means your opponent claiming won’t hurt you other than her/him going first next round, while you easily can escape a 4-hit from a Rocket Launcher (or something like that) just by claiming yourself.
Mostly though, I let the opponent use their battlefield though to get two for Asajj. The only exception is when the opponent has a critical battlefield they really need and can abuse. A prime example of this is Emperor's Throne Room, which likely never will do anything good for you, but really help your opponent.
• Make sure you absolutely NEVER misses that the opponent has to throw two cards for every re-roll as long as Asajj lives. People tend to forget this, but this is so very crucial in the end. Asajj usually is the first target of your opponent, so build Count Dooku in the meantime (if they go for Dooku first = jackpot for you, they will mill themselves of both cards and opportunities thanks to Asajj while Dooku takes a long time to kill – these matches should almost always be won).
• Make sure Asajj get all the Force Illusion unless they are going for Dooku, then he should have the first one. Wait and see how the game develops before playing it. I usually use it just before my opponent attacks to screw with their plans (if they have a rolled out, they might use it to turn a die to a high number – but if you already have a Force Illusion played, they might opt for something unblockable instead, / or something else). Also, don’t forget Force Illusion can be played for free with Sith Holocron. Save the money for control cards and/or lightsabers.
• People tend to use the possibility to upgrade their upgrades. Don’t do that with this deck, other than Sith Holocron and Force Speed when you are out of slots. The only exception is if you are facing Imperial Inspection and really need to get cards worth at least 3 on the table. You will need all of your dice! This is a deck that will burn your opponent down thanks to great control and reliable damage output – but it doesn’t work fast and always shines in the second half of the game. Overwriting upgrades will leave you with too few dice in the end.
• Make sure you adjust your starting hand depending who you play against. Poe/Maz will always start off by sending 3-5 damage your way. Having a Force Illusion and Rejuvenate slows them down considerably and keeps both of your characters alive the three first rounds. That or the fourth round should be the end of Poe, and a Maz left alone facing a well equipped Asajj or Dooku is a won battle for you. Emo Boyz is fairly easily handled by the fact that there are so many really cheap cards in this deck. It’s almost like two on Kylo Ren since his seldom will result in more than 0-1 damage. First Order Trooper/Unkar/FN-2199 is nasty, but hurry up and kill Unkar Plutt with all that you have. That makes both Imperial Inspection and Salvage Stand way less reliable on their behalf. Also, Unkar's special to cash in one of your cards is less scary since you don’t have any really expensive ones.
Final words: I realize a lot of you will have suggestions on how to change things. Feel free to do that of course (and I'm not claiming to have the one deck that is peaked and cannot be improved upon), but I have tried all relevant cards on several occasions with different setups, and this is the one that has given me the most success. Cards like Anger and Manipulate is good, but with such a slow deck, I more often than not roll in as number two when my more agile opponent already have used Fast Hands (sometimes with Force Speed), Rey’s stacking action cheat or really just don’t care what they roll (hi Poe Dameron!) since Maz Kanata will deliver what they want anyway next turn. I just can’t use these cards.
Force Push is another nice option, but blanking dice is just not as scary for your opponent as losing one of your own no matter what you roll and also being dealt damage (Force Throw). Just having it out there with a special often make opponents unwilling to reroll. Also, it has happened me several times that the double range from Force Push makes it an easy target for Deflect and hurts myself, or is removed by my very own battlefield which I have chosen to cripple ranged decks (great against Emperor, Baze/Snap, Poe/Maz, Han/Rey and so on) when my opponent claims. This is of course the reason to why Force Lightning comes nowhere near this deck. Lure of Power is nice, but way to expensive (can't be played with Sith Holocron) and not very reliable.
Also! Doubt and Overconfidence is just great cards overall. I assume all of you reading this are aware, but use them on Vibroknife. That way opponents lose the unblockable damage and makes your Force Illusion more usable = way more Asajj time.
May the force be with you all :) If you try this one out, I would appreciate some feedback from you guys on how it performs in the meta where you live.
29 Kommentare |
oh wow I could easily run this deck. I'd like to try it out :) |
No "No Mercy?" |
What were some of the other things you've tried? Could you break down what went wrong with each, or why you dislike them more than the current build? For example have you tried the interrogation droid version? |
Nice deck. You say that it is slow, so why the Force Speed? Does it really help? In my experience only very few decks gain real advantage from Force Speed. I could see Immobilize being of better use, or Hidden in Shadows (on Ventress), or maybe Force Strike (on rounds were you have the resources of course, might be tricky). Don't know if you tried that already though... Will definitely try this deck out, like it! |
So I saw this deck on Facebook and gave it a good look to see what it could do. Tried it a few times on TTS and was really pleased at how well it works. One thing I noticed though, is how much money it makes. Have you tried, or thought about Rise Again? With all the money it's generating, it seems like it could be a very useful card in this deck. |
I've been testing a lot of Emo Kids, and noticed this list is very similar. To avoid playing the mirror tonight I swapped to this deck, minus Lightsaber, both Makashi, and both Enrages, replacing them with 2 Dark Presence, 2 Mind Probe, and a Boundless Ambition. It did well, but I'm curious to try your original version as well. Reasons for my cuts/changes: Saber: I get what it's trying to do (provide a redeploy to up Asajj damage before she dies), but I find it generally weak and with Vibroknife common it's hard to guarantee Illusion will keep her around. Boundless is great with Dooku to improve survival and reroll consistency, since using his or Asajj's dice for focus feels bad when they have 2 damage sides. I'd like to find a way to add another! Enrage: With such a low health total, self-damaging feels bad, and you don't have any pay sides. Dark Presence just feels mandatory in this pairing to me. It's solid on many of your dice (including Vibroknnfe) and can hit important dice if you time your roll-in correctly,especially in the early game. It does lose value as the game goes on though, and Rejuvenate does make Enrage a little more palatable. Makashi: I was on the fence here, and was kind of experimenting. Probe is way scarier as a damage upgrade when Holocron'd in early, or as a closer on Dooku. That said, this deck rolls sticks pretty consistently, and Makashi is easier to play if Holocrons don't show up or roll well. May go back to Makashi here since it also works with Holocron. Push vs Throw: I've tried both ways. The Deflect concern is definitely real and probably pushes things in favor of Throw, but I really like having the extra damage sides against decks that have lots of action cheat--they generally don't leave you much to throw! That and I find discard more useful than disrupt. Overall I'm excited about this deck. I have an event this weekend and was considering the consistent damage output of Emo Kids, but I enjoy Dooku and Ventress way more and may change tack to this deck! |
Also, Vibroknife really isn't that much of a threat. Remove it with Doubt, Feel Your Anger or Overconfidence. I have two of each, and these cards cost from 0-1 and you should be free to use Dookus ability and Force Illusion. Never hesitate to use Feel Your Anger on only one die - Electroshock is one of the more popular cards out there and removes one die with a value of maxmim two, if you see a red die Feel Your Anger let you remove any die for one resource (and often you get more than that). Good luck :) |
OK i have to admit, that this deck was used as a basment for my eGrievous/Ventress deck. They have a lot in common and I share 20 cards with you and to top of that, a lot of differences are just substitues (like Z6 batton instead of Lighstabers). The things, which seems to me better in Grievous/Ventress is 1) you have Imperial Inspection with very reliable disrupts on Grievous, Ventress and Force Throw 2) Ventress is automatically secondary target in that deck 3) We Have Them Now is so much game breaking card, that it wins the games by itself and this deck is only one possible with a real chance of claiming in red. I recommend to try it out, I think it should be fun for you, those decks are really similar ;-) +2x Z6 Batton +2x Imperial Inspection +2x We Have Them Now +2x Imperial War Machine +2 Anger -2x both Sabers -2x Force Speed -2x Overconfidance -2x Enrage -2x Rejuvenate |
I actually took a variant of this deck to my local tourney this past week and went 3-1 with it. Only difference was I didn't use force speed(don't have any lol) and didn't use force illusion since a friend of mine was using my copies, instead I used x2 Mind Probe and x2 dark presence. Dark Presence triggered more due to there being more discard sides and mind probe added not only more damage but made my opponents use cards more so as well as being assaulted by Ventress. |
I also used force choke instead of rejuvenate, adds more control and more possibilities to get dark presence off. |
Rise Again seems to be working well. I removed the light sabers and put in 2 Rise Again. Gone against Poe/Maz, Krennic/DT, and a nasty Aurra Sing/Jango. Lost to Krennic once when he played We Have Them Now. It's a fun deck and I'm having a good time playing it. Thanx! |
Hey, I was wondering. Did you win a store champs with this? We were thinking of featuring this deck but weren't sure it was the same dooku ventress |
Love it! |
same love it but Rejuvenate is good but not that great in this deck |
Great deck. This is one of my favorite character combos, and I've run both heavy control and super aggro versions of this pairing--both featured elsewhere here. I like how you've built this with both lots of damage potential and the control from Throw. I'll definitely be trying it out!