Social Justice Warriors

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MrAGi 4

I had the initial idea for this deck when all the hoopla over The Last Jedi was at its peak. I thought it was an okay movie, not great, not terrible - fun to watch but instantly forgettable. I didn't have any problems with the casting or anything like that.

I wanted to make a deck that took all the criticism/controversy about that movie and make a deck that was the most ridiculous expression of that.

I knew I wanted Finn and especially Rose on the team as their characters took a lot stick for their roles in that movie. I also wanted Admiral Holdo on the team as her subplot with Poe is another thing that some people got angry about.

Thankfully with the release of Spark of Hope I can finally put this team together! =)

So that is the team but I added another restriction as well - none of the cards can feature an image of a white man. When I was playtesting this deck my friend kept asking why I wasn't using particular cards and the reason generally ended up being that the card had a white man on it - it really does restrict your deck building!

I have one slight cheat and that is Field Medic - it does have a white man on it but Finn is most prominent, so I thought that was just about within the spirit of things.

I really tried to put a deck together that works under those restrictions and it plays okay so far. I haven't won a game yet but it doesn't feel awful and generally you have enough money to do what you want.

My general idea is to get BB-8 and another ship in my opening hand and then play BB-8 out (and then Holdo) to try and engineer the special on her die to play the other ship.

Once you have BB-8 and Padmé's ship out you should have enough focus to manipulate your other dice to do what you need.

The weapons generally go on Finn and the event suite pretty much plays itself.

I am not sure about Admiral as it is quite expensive and if you get it too early it is pretty much a dead card.

I hope at least someone will get a couple of laughs from this deck and if you can improve it and actually make is usable that would be great =)

11 Kommentare

Sith Holocron 291

Best thought out theme deck in the world....ever!!

dettmarp 1

I'm building a very similar deck revolving around Drop Zone and supports that have damage on them, to move the damage to drop zone for a huge hit when activated. I had to sub amiln for a yellow character to add Righteous Cause, but it looks like drop zone might be good in this deck, too. And, may I suggest replacing Field Medic with Mend for a little more versatility

Feral 2

Field medic’s reprint has clones on it so........... Your forgiven for using it? Idk

McNamJam 100

What about Crait Speeder?

MrAGi 4

@dettmarp Drop Zone and Mend are definitely worth a shot. Would you drop the Admiral and maybe Lightspeed Assault for 2x?

@McNamJam Resistance Crait Speeder might be a good replacement for the Hailfire Droid Tank or would you keep both?

@clonea32 I did think about the reprint but I was suspicious about what was under those helmets! =)

McNamJam 100

@MrAGi I would take out 1 BB-8 and 1 Padme Ship for the 2 Speeders, as they have great synergy with both Finn and Rose Special, if you roll them.

Jorgyn Ryys 190

Do you have to shame it in to winning?

dettmarp 1

@Jorgyn Ryys No, I retract my suggestions. I looked through your deck list and commented before I read your description. I approve, and mend would ruin your "no white males" rule if you count Luke's hand.

thewelcomemat 71

At the very least you should tear the town up- hurt em real good!

MrAGi 4

@McNamJam will give it a try, thanks.

@dettmarp that shows the limits of my Star Wars knowledge - I looked at Mend and saw a woman with long blonde hair getting her robot arm fixed! =)

MrAGi 4

@Sith Holocron thanks - look forward to testing version 2 with you next week!