Hera's Heroes

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Buffybot 323

My take on Phoenix Squadron. I initially had Ezra Bridger - Force-sensitive Thief instead of Maz for a full Rebels character lineup, but prefer Maz's ability. Plus the deck still has Chopper in there, and the Ghost.

The deck concentrates on getting vehicles in play quickly to start those attack runs (although Attack Run itself is missing here). Two copies of Tech Team and Refit are key to achieving that, with Appraise working nicely too, it's great for protecting a resource die from disrupt and applying it directly to a discount vehicle, even more so with a Tech Team in play. Mulligan aggressively for Tech Team. The other trick up your fighter pilot sleeve is to play Quadjumper off of Hera's special, then discard it to bring in a free Y-Wing, or a free Ghost or Falcon with Tech Team in play. We need the B-Wing to appear in this game so Hera can pull off this stunt with that ship, like in the Wings of the Master episode!

Kanan and Maz's abilities keep the deck pace lively, and can spring some nice surprises.

Meditate is a card I don't often see in decks, understandably, but it can really shine here: in a game today, it enabled Y-Wing and U-Wing specials in consecutive rounds to inflict 8 damage. Not bad for a zero cost card.

The events are all cheap, mostly zero cost with some costing 1. This makes them playable early in the context of needing to spend resources to get your ships into play and attacking as soon as possible. Rebel Assault is useful to take out an opponent's special. Targeting Computer is flexible, to boost your attack or hinder your opponent. Deploy Squadron is excellent to strike a killing blow.

Alternative card options: a Fang Fighter instead of Black One to improve cost curve and for better Rebels era theme. More removal: Into The Garbage Chute instead of Aim, or Electroshock. More defence: the ever-reliable Caution and/or a second Diplomatic Protection, or a Second Chance on Maz. Invigorate could be good, especially after you've spread the damage out with Crash Landing. I'd love to add a second Meditate.

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